Why Nervous System Health Is a Game-Changer

The Power of Regulation

Our capacity to regulate determines how we feel, think, and connect with ourselves and others. You can set a new baseline, allowing yourself to make significantly better use of your energy and access healthier ways of being and relating.

results of a regulated nervous system illustration
disregulated state of being illustration
Out of balance

Signs of A Dysregulated State of Being

  • Being easily triggered and overwhelmed
  • Inner discomfort in interpersonal relationships
  • Constant repetition of patterns
  • Self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Constant feelings of guilt & shame
  • Difficulty in setting boundaries
  • Long-lasting feelings of numbness, stuckness, sadness & anger
  • Painful re-enactment of events from the past
  • A basic feeling of needing to protect oneself from people and life
  • Hypersensitivity to the feelings of others
  • A very busy mind
regulated state of being graphic
Back into your natural state

Signs of A Regulated State of Being

  • Being in true connection with yourself, others, and life
  • Ability to relate to others authentically
  • Natural self-confidence
  • Healthy sense of self-worth & boundaries
  • Inner trust & joy as a baseline
  • Mental clarity & peace in mind and body
  • Inner alignment with possibilities & solutions
  • Ability to clearly feel your needs and desires
  • Being present in the here and now
  • Creative flow & openness
  • Growth and development through challenges
  • Ability to shape your life according to your own desires
Life circumstances & Conditioning

Reasons for a Dysregulated State of Being

off balance nervous system illustration