
Kind words from past clients.

Marc headshot
Marc, 44
Founder .GUT

“As a rather head-oriented person, these session showed me that my body is at least as clever of an organism. It can show me problems and  solutions if I just listen carefully. Apart from the topics covered, this was the realization that will stay with me the longest. I have already warmly recommended Sabrina several times and would go to her again myself.”

Marvin headshot
Marvin, 38
DJ, Composer, Musician

“At the beginning of the collaboration, I wasn't in my best shape physically and mentally. The sessions helped me a lot to regenerate and stabilize, to find myself again, to overcome this phase and to grow from it. Thank you Sabrina.”

Melissa headshot
Melissa, 30

“I realized during the sessions that my digestive problems are related to my nervous system. This gave me confidence, because before I thought I couldn't do anything about my problem. The sessions took away my fears and I noticed an improvement in my digestion after each session.

I established a general feeling of goodness throughout the process of 6 session, which accompanied me in my everyday life. After each session I was relaxed and sustainably strengthened. I realized that this form of collaboration is ideally tailored to my needs as it combines physical and mental aspects.

It was satisfying to know that my body can regulate itself, I just need to create the space and environment to do so. I really want to continue with the sessions and have already told many people around me about them because I am so positively surprised by their effectiveness.”

Karlla headshot
Karlla Agne Yam
Founder @unionberlin
& Model

"I really loved the combination of a little talk, body observation and then the session. I could relax a lot and felt many sensations in my body during the session. The sessions felt like my mind and body learned how to listen to each other again. I was in a troubled period in the middle of my pregnancy. After the sessions, I could control my emotions and reaction much easier than before!! I am very thankful for you Sabrina!"

Jenn headshot
Jenn, 39
Transformational Coach

“Wow, working with Sabrina was a life-changing experience. I can highly recommend working with her.

Together we tapped into the wholeness of the nervous system, which was profound for me since I've had a dysregulated nervous system for most of my life due to past trauma. Through our sessions, I learned that the body is wise, and we can tap into that wisdom to enhance our overall mental, emotional, and physical health.

It was encouraging for me to feel such peace, calm, and empowerment during our sessions. Aside from the overall well-being benefits, it removed some blocks for me and helped me integrate helpful changes into my daily life. It also helped me unlock my spiritual power, as through the mind-body-spirit connection I was able to feel my soul shine and tap into the infinite love of the Universe.”

rabea headshot
Rabea, 40
Systemic Trauma Coaching &
Kundalini Yoga

“Working with Sabrina has helped me to feel sustainably  stable. Since then I've been more mindful of my body as I was able to learn how to observe different sensations at the same time without being overwhelmed.

I was increasingly impressed by the sessions because over the course of the week I could feel that my nervous system was becoming more resilient.

This very tangible experience surprised and inspired me. I had not expected such a strong physical response from this subtle work. The positive effect on my life was immediately noticeable and I approached challenging situations with more strength, composure and determination.

I recommend Sabrina's work in crisis situations, for processing overwhelming experiences and above all as a body-oriented accompaniment to talk-oriented psychotherapy.”

franziska headshot
Tranformational Coach

“Nervous System Health has helped me to find more inner peace. I felt wonderfully relaxed and invigorated after each session. I have learned how my nervous system feels when balanced and I can now access it better by consciously remembering this state. As a result, I can deal with challenging situations.

I always find it good to book a program as it gives me time to develop and integrate the new and I don't feel under pressure to succeed. What I take away from the 6 appointments is my happy primal relaxation.

For me, Sabrina is a calm and gentle yet powerful and strong woman. She created a wonderful space in each session where I was able to relax in a feeling of safety and security. I would definitely recommend your work to others as I now know my primal calm and can bring it back into my everyday life.”

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Managing Partner,  
Organizational Consultancy
(Focus on Cultural Development)

“Dear Sabrina,

I am now getting around to writing you a few lines - after our time together from January to August 2023. I came to see you because, after my training in trauma therapy, I understood how important it is to process trauma on a physical level too.

As I work with traumatized clients myself, I wanted to follow my trainer's recommendation and try working with you. I had heard that this form of work relaxes the nervous, immune and hormonal systems as well as my physiology. And that this has a noticeable effect on how I feel, how I think and how I relate to the world.

When I spoke to you about my concerns, you said that each session would deepen my ability to grow through challenges, recover more quickly and return to my natural balance. How right you were.

I faced a few challenges during the session cycle - such as a termination of my own tenancy .... and thanks to your wonderful support I was able to move through the emotional blockages more quickly and find a good solution.

I have experienced my ability to overcome obstacles in a coherent and continuous way and at the same time increase my resilience and I am very grateful to you for that! The sessions have also given me the opportunity to process my past and to move on.”

Sinah, 44
Fitness trainer
& Nutritionist

“The sessions with Sabrina helped me to regulate my nervous system and come back to myself. I was able to focus, to concentrate on my inner self and to relearn how to stay calm in certain situations. I regained my basic trust in my instincts and released certain patterns. Sabrina's calm and empathic manner helps me to arrive in the here and now and to ground myself.”

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Cecilie, 43
Landscape Architect

“By working with Sabrina, I was able to release my fears and blockages. I can now tackle difficult tasks more confidently and without paralyzing doubts. After the sessions, I was able to question my insecurities about new things and tackle new topics without fear. At the same time, regulating my nervous system has helped me to recognize needs and express them. I can now clearly formulate and express thoughts that I used to swallow. Thank you for your valuable work!”

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Vanessa, 34

“Working with Sabrina was one of the best investments I have made in my health in a very long time. My nervous system used to get easily dysregulated. Sabrina took the time to really assess my intentions and what was standing in the way of me living a fulfilled life. She is so talented in what she does and intuitively guided me with her profound experience into a very calm and regulated state. I could feel the first effects already after the first session and every session helped my system to find even more balance by itself. It has shifted so much for me and I am really incredibly grateful for her work.

After three years of really struggling, I have found so much more joy, bliss and happiness again. I will probably be back for some sessions after some integration time. I cannot recommend enough working with her, it can change lives.”

Ulli headshot
Ulli, 50

“I was really skeptical at the beginning and I have to say that I was more than thrilled. The sessions helped me and my body to get back into balance.

After an operation, I've had 2-3 issues with my knee. Unconsciously, I still wanted to take it easy on the operated knee. I completely forgot about that after the sessions and am now using my full potential.

I could feel progress each time - Above all, I felt it in my whole body. The knee was treated but even more in the foreground was the whole state of my body - it somehow feels as if all trauma, congestion or other blockages are now gone and everything is back in the flow .

I felt very safe and was able to let out everything that was bothering me. Many thanks again - and yes, absolutely recommendable, because it helps!!!!”

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“I can wholeheartedly recommend working with Sabrina. Her trusting, empathetic and competent manner made it very easy for me to get involved in the work and open up. I found the work soothing, relaxing and pleasant. Even after the third session I noticed a clear difference, blockages were released and my sense of well-being was strengthened. For me, working with Sabrina and the nervous system is a great enrichment.”

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emmy, 40

“In one word 'perfect', that's how I feel about the effect of Sabrina Gritzmacher's work with the nervous system. Perfect, because I felt like I was floating. The empathetic coach released many tensions and blockages so that my body and soul moved like waves on the sea in harmony with my calm breathing. Carefree.

Above all, Sabrina took away my fear of getting involved with her empathetic manner and her words. The session was like an accompaniment and an introduction to my long-standing blockage in the Muladhara chakra (root chakra). Afterwards I had a stable grounding again. I can highly recommend Sabrina Gritzmacher - thank you for your work!”

kristin headshot
kristin, 42
Wedding Speaker

“Without any experience and with little information about the nervous system, but with all the more on my mind, I put myself into Sabrina’s guidance. After the very first session, I felt much clearer, calmer and stronger. Further sessions reinforced the result.

The preliminary talk to focus on the core of the issue, the actual session and finally the resume talk over a cup of tea - Sabrina guided me in a very confident, appreciative, respectful and attentive manner. Thank you for the wonderful energy and this special space of trust. Highly recommended.”

natasha headshot
Natasha Mina
Health Coach

“Working with Sabrina was a truly enlightening experience for me, as it helped me understand the mind-body connection in a way I had never comprehended before.

Before doing this work, I was so consumed by my thoughts that I failed to realize how my emotions also reside in my body. Sabrina helped me recognize that my nervous system extends beyond just my brain, and that I can feel safe and secure during stressful situations by allowing my discomfort to exist in my body rather than trying to solve the issue solely through my thoughts. And that I can feel stressed while also remaining calm.

As someone who is highly sensitive and reactive, working with Sabrina was a valuable tool in helping me calm my nervous system and respond to triggering situations in healthier ways, while also trusting my inner intelligence. I would highly recommend Sabrina to anyone who is seeking to cultivate this type of connection”