A new state of being

Regulate your nervous system

Access your inherent potential, break through patterns and create healthy relationships.

Nervous System Health Sabrina Gritzmacher
The power of Regulation

A general state of joy comes with a regulated state of being.

Do you feel like you’ve already explored different methods to break free from old patterns, which no longer serve you and your relationships?

A path forward to more aligned relationships with yourself and others can be found within your body and nervous system. Nervous system dysregulation is a common reason for conflicts in life.

A regulated nervous system is the basis for body, mind and soul to resolve safely and sustainably blockages, protective mechanisms and unprocessed experiences.

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As you regulate your nervous system, new possibilities and healthier ways of being unfold. Patterns that cause suffering—whether emotional, mental or physical—can dissolve away, layer by layer. A new equilibrium to operate from can be created.

Nervous system regulation is a superpower that I want for everyone. I support you in learning how to regulate your nervous system, so that you can be in a healthier relationship with yourself and others in profound ways. You will be able to make decisions for your well-being and step out of old patterns sustainably.

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the benefits

Together,we can find new, transformative ways to empower you to:

  • Form healthy relationships
  • Reduce stress
  • Process old hurtful experiences
  • Step out of self-sabotaging patterns
  • Release triggers & remove blocks
  • Feel at peace
  • Be a master of your emotions
  • Be proactive and creative instead of reactive
  • Connect with your intuition and authentic self
  • Rise like a Phoenix from the ashes
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Marc headshot

“As a rather head-oriented person, these session showed me that my body is at least as clever of an organism. It can show me problems and  solutions if I just listen carefully. Apart from the topics covered, this was the realization that will stay with me the longest. I have already warmly recommended Sabrina several times and would go to her again myself.”

— marc, 44 - Founder of .GUT
Melissa headshot

“I established a general feeling of goodness throughout the process of 6 session, which accompanied me in my everyday life. After each session I was relaxed and sustainably strengthened. I realized that this form of collaboration is ideally tailored to my needs as it combines physical and mental aspects.”

— Melissa, 30

“The sessions felt like my mind and body learned how to listen to each other again. I was in a troubled period in the middle of my pregnancy. After the sessions, I could control my emotions and reaction much easier than before!! I am very thankful for you Sabrina!”

— Karlla Agne Yam - Founder @unionberlin & Model
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“I recommend Sabrina's work in crisis situations, for processing overwhelming experiences and above all as a body-oriented accompaniment to talk-oriented psychotherapy.”

— Rabea - Systemic trauma coaching, Kundalini Yoga
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“By working with Sabrina, I was able to release my fears and blockages. I can now tackle difficult tasks more confidently and without paralyzing doubts. After the sessions, I was able to question my insecurities about new things and tackle new topics without fear.”

— Cecilie, 43 -  Landscape architect
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“Nervous System Health has helped me to find more inner peace. I felt wonderfully relaxed and invigorated after each session. I have learned how my nervous system feels when balanced and I can now access it better by consciously remembering this state. As a result, I can deal with challenging situations.”

— Franziska, Tranformational Coach
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“I faced a few challenges during the session cycle - such as a termination of my own tenancy...and thanks to your wonderful support I was able to move through the emotional blockages more quickly and find a good solution. I have experienced my ability to overcome obstacles in a coherent and continuous way and at the same time increase my resilience and I am very grateful to you for that! I am very grateful to you!”

— Gilla, Managing partner of an organizational consultancy

“I was able to focus, to concentrate on my inner self and to relearn how to stay calm in certain situations. I regained my basic trust in my instincts and released certain patterns.”

— Sinah, 44, Fitness trainer/nutritionist
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Meet your coach

Hello, I'm Sabrina

I used to be in chronic physical pain and emotional overwhelm. Discovering the transformative power of regulating the nervous system was a game changer.
This experience inspired my mission to help others overcome hardships and empower them to lead healthy, free, and peaceful lives.

Read My Story
Nervous System Health Sabrina Gritzmacher headshot